Friday, January 15, 2010

World War 2 Timelines, Holocaust, Children

I will talk about some events that i wrote down for my timeline. Like Hitler taking back the parts of Gremany, that was taken away from Gremany. Russia signing a Treaty with Gremany that they wont attack each other. When Hitler took over most of Europe, and then taking over France. But before they toke over Frnace Britain tryed to help Frnace but, since France put all the gun power right on the boared of France and Gremany France could not help Britain. And Gremany started to also attack Britain by attacking there cities but Britain was doing the same attacking Gremany. Japan and USA alos joined the war. Japan attacked USA's Pearl Harbour, forcing USA to join the war. The thing that turned the whole WW2 around was Gremany attacking Russia breaking the Treay they signed. But that was a mistake they would pay for by getting most of there army destroyed. And because Gremany just opened another front. So Hitler was fighting a war on boths sides of Gremany making them lose the war agian. Japan surrend after Gremany gave because of USA dropping two Atomic bombs on Japans two biggest cities ending the war.

The Holocaust was going on when the war was on. Gremany were blaming the Jews that the conditions Gremany were in was all there fault. So there for they started to round up the Jews and take them to the city Warsaw and put them in the ghettos. The ghettos was a very bad plce most Jew were dieing of sickness, most of them tryed to esacape but got shot and killed. Then Hitler opened factories for the Jews, this factories were for the dead bodies of the Jews. It was so bad you can't even image it.

The Children in the War were getting recruited by Hilter but not every kid. He was looking for kids with blond hair, and blue eyes thinking that these children are the strongest of all children.

1 comment:

  1. Good start- some parts are a little bit confusing. The children at war- what were kids doing in Canada?
