Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1939 - 1945 japan Canadians, paying for WW2

In World War 2 once Japan entered the war USA and Canada did not trust Japanese anymore so they would find all of them and round them up and send them to the Rockies. And keep them away from the sea so they could not send information to Japan. The Japanese Canadians were given a choice stay in the Rockies or leave Canada forever and go back to Japan. Plus they had lost there homes and the boats were they would work on they lost everything.

When you have a war there is lots of money you need to support your army without money how would the get ammo, fuel, tanks, boats all that impotant stuff. Luckly the whole county Canada would help out buy buying Victory bonds, Taxes, and Rationing and many more. This all would help out alot. Rationing would be helpful because everyone would be on a limit on buying stuff for there selfs. Taxe money would alos help out alot buy using it to buy ammo, guns and many other stuff they needed. And Victory bonds were a beneift for both the country and the civlians by buying a bond your money would be with the goverment for 5 years and double each year. So after 5 years you could go and get your money back.

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