Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The 1960s was a year to remeber for Canada. From FLQ terisam, President Kenndy getting killed, Cuban missile Crisis, Baby Boom. For teenager to show who they are. I'll start with the Cuban missile Crisis, the missile Crisis helped push the world closer to a nuclear war. Russia was sending missiles to Cuba and maked station with missile launcher that can aim anywhere to USA and Canada. But USA also had missiles ready to attack Russia by keeping missiles ready in Turkey.

But USA invited Russia's President to the white house and settle the fight between each other if Russia took the missiles back then USA would take there missiles back from Turkey. After World War 2 most soliders got married andonce so many people married there was alot of children. And once the the babies grew up the teenagers were born. They were trying to be dirfferent fomr there parents. And once teenager was born music got even more popular. With the king of rock and roll on top everything was going great. But in Quebec terrsiom started by the FLQ.

The kidnapped a british worker a, trying to get there FLQ partners back but the goverment of Canada did agree to there damands. But the british work surved and the FLQ got cought trying to make Quebec nation of its own. USA was facing lots of tension with USA sending man to Vietnam. Because Vietnam was trying to change to be communist with the comm and of Ho and they did with USA going back home. But between all this in USA everything was really bad, with this President Kenndy got killed 1960 was a year to rember. After Canada's 100 birthday Quebec joind the Canada to become a whole nation.
One of the shocking things that happened back then is a person named Igor Gpuzenko a Russian spy. That told the goverment of Canada that there spys all around Canada and other countries sent by Russia. This made Canada not trust Russia anymore.


  1. Good post! Lots of detail- watch spelling...

  2. I have read through all of them. Your assignment is complete! Average of all posts- level 3. Good work!
